This script talks about exporting classic VMs to Azure. To export Azure ARM VMs to CSV with PowerShell refer to new link below. This refers to all latest source code and technologies - - https://sanganakauthority.blogspot.com/2019/09/azure-vms-export-to-csv.html
As of today there is no way on full management portal ( http://manage.windowsazure.com ) or
on new Azure portal (http://portal.azure.com)
to export the list of Azure Virtual Machines to Excel. This blog talks about
the same. Actually this is very keen requirement and I have seen lot of people in
search of this functionality. This blog is an attempt to simplify their life a
The advantage of Azure VM list export to excel is that
you have this excel maintained in TFS or SharePoint to track the Azure environment
resources. This simplifies the Azure resource management drastically when the number
of VM’s present in an Azure subscription is in hundreds. I have seen my client’s
Azure subscription wherein the number of VM’s was 120 and was not having user friendly
names. Then every day they were facing challenge to understand the purpose of
VM, who is the owner of it, till how long we wish to maintain it, which all
need to be shutdown everyday in the late night and to be started everyday in
the morning and so on. So I suggested them to have this tracked in an excel
sheet. They liked the idea but again came back to me stating that, writing so
many VM’s list manually in excel sheet is so boring. Can you please export
these Azure VM’s list to excel and provide to us K.
I was thinking there has to be Export To Excel button on
Azure portal but unfortunately there is none. So, if you need your Azure VM
list to export to excel then the only answer is to write Azure Powershell commands
and get it exported as .csv file.
The below is the powershell commands that cane provide
you Azure VM list exported as CSV which you can then manually save as Excel
sheet. So here we go!
Applicable Technology Stack
- Azure subscription with at least 1 Azure VM’s provisioned in it.
- Azure Powershell [ https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/ ]installed on your local machine
Setting up the connection
Open the Powershell ISE as an administrator as shown
below –
First run the command -
This open a pop up and asks you to enter the credentials
of Azure subscription. Please enter subscription live Id and password. This
will make current powershell window connected to Azure.
Setting up Subscription of Azure
It may be possible that one live ID account may have
multiple azure subscription associated to it. Therefore we need to first select
the subscription of Azure from which we wish to export the VM list by using
below command –
select-azuresubscription -SubscriptionName "Your
Azure Subscription Name Goes Here"
Enter your subscription name in above command. The
subscription name can be found from management portal as shown below –
Get Azure VM’s and export the list
First let’s declare an
array to hold the list of Azure VM’s.
$results =
Then retrieve the
list of VM using below command –
$vms = Get-AzureVM
The variable $vms consist of all VM’s present in the selected
subscription. Therefore we need to iterate over this list to retrieve important
information from Azure VM’s and at the end append it to array we defined above.
Once added to array, simply export to Azure with pipe as
below –
$results | export-csv -Path "Path to CSV goes here. Example, c:\AzureVMInfo.csv"
So the entire source code I have written in a function as
below –
Function Export-AzureVMsToCSV
= @()
$vms = Get-AzureVM
($vm in
= @{
HostName =
CloudServiceName = $vm.DNSName
Name =
VirtualNetworkName = $vm.VirtualNetworkName
IPAddress =
PublicIPAddress = $vm.PublicIPAddress
+= New-Object
PSObject -Property
| export-csv
-Path "Path to
CSV goes here. Example, c:\AzureVMInfo.csv"
"export succeeded"
This way the .csv file will get created at the specified
location with all details. Then you can save it as excel manually by opening
the .csv file in excel sheet itself.
Source Code
Entire source code of Azure VM export to excel is
available on below location –
Hope this helps.
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